(you should see all 15 pictures, if not please let me know). I uploaded this one in groups of 3 panels rather than individual images, so hopefully mobile users can see the posts now. :) breath of the wild Skyward Sword twilight princess the legend of zelda TLOZ BOTW tloz ss tloz twilight princess ocrina of time tloz oot zelda waifu Orielle Ivee Hena skyward sword Orielle Breath of the wild Ivee Twilight princess Hena Link breath of the wild link skyward sword link twilight princess link Twilight Princess HD mipha midna majora's mask 3d zelda Ask Me AmostheArtman Hena is a great character, and I hope Nintendo keeps making interesting NPCs like her! :DĪll n All that my list of obscure Zelda Waifus that I think are neat. I really wish she had a lager fan base, but when your up against the like of Midna and Mipha you really don’t have much of a foothold. Besides, apparently she has a boyfriend so continued attempts to flirt will be in vain. You don’t get anything from saying she is the cuter one other than her saying thanks, but I still love that that’s in the game. Heck, she even gives you the chance to say if you think she’s cuter than her older sister. from taking jabs at Link for not taking his hat off when he goes indoors, or noticing how you keep looking at pictures of her. Other than the direct things you can say to her she has always something to say about almost everything in her lodge.
But this seemingly simple NPC is deceivingly full of personality. Hena, as most fans know, is the owner of the fishing lodge and runs the place by herself. So say what you want about Twilight Princess, it will always be my favorite Zelda for reasons like Hena. Oh god Twilight princess, you never cease to amaze me! But you could tell whoever designed this character really enjoyed crafting her. I mean she doesn’t do much other than sweep and sleep, and she doesn’t have a lot to say and is really only there to let you know were the goods store is. Something about hers simple design and pleasant demeanor just really jells well with me. But when I visited Hateno village for the first time and was waved over by Ivee I was immediately charmed. However I noticed that most of them tend to share hairstyles, eyes, noses and even body shapes. So breath of the wild has its fair share of NPC, quite a bit actually. (I would have put Malon here but she is already pretty popular among the Zelda fans) I still like her tho, she’s neat for what she is. and for the most part she kinda was, but really didn’t have much going on for her other than the side quest she’s in. I remember playing Skyward Sword for the first time and seeing this character thinking she would be kinda like Malon from OOT on account of her appearance and lover for the loft wings. So to keep this interesting I’m gonna name 3 of the more obscure ladies I think are cuties. They are most certainly in my top 3, but odds are its that way from most Zelda fans. Well obviously Midna and Mipha are superior waifus, there is no questioning that.