If you need help with making network requests using Alamofire, use Stack Overflow and tag alamofire.Please report any crashes to the Swift bug reporter.

URLSessionTaskMetrics are never gathered.ĭue to these issues, Alamofire is unsupported on Linux and Windows.Cache control through CachedResponseHandler and associated APIs is unavailable, as the underlying delegate methods aren't called.Crashes may occur if responses contain server challenges. Various methods of HTTP authentication may crash, including HTTP Basic and HTTP Digest.ServerTrustManager and associated certificate functionality is unavailable, so there is no certificate pinning and no client certificate support.
IOS 10.0+ / macOS 10.12+ / tvOS 10.0+ / watchOS 3.0+ĬocoaPods, Carthage, Swift Package Manager, ManualĪlamofire builds on Linux and Windows but there are missing features and many issues in the underlying swift-corelibs-foundation that prevent full functionality and may cause crashes. It contains configurable delay timers to help mitigate flicker and can support URLSession instances not managed by Alamofire. AlamofireNetworkActivityIndicator - Controls the visibility of the network activity indicator on iOS using Alamofire.AlamofireImage - An image library including image response serializers, UIImage and UIImageView extensions, custom image filters, an auto-purging in-memory cache, and a priority-based image downloading system.
In order to keep Alamofire focused specifically on core networking implementations, additional component libraries have been created by the Alamofire Software Foundation to bring additional functionality to the Alamofire ecosystem.